Monday, 14 November 2011

Introduction to Baking For Bunnies!

Hi, I'm Holly and this is my blog, if you hadn't already guessed! From a young age I've loved baking, along with rabbits, so I thought- why not combine the two? No, not baking them- baking for them! I currently have two rabbits; Mischief and Trouble. Here they are!

(Trouble is the agouti and Mischief the black and white)

So basically this blog will be photos and recipes of my creations for my two bunsters! I will also state which other species they are suitable for.  I will also be posting treat recipes for hamster safe things, as I own little Gremlin the Syrian. Most hamster recipes will also be suitable for rats, gerbils and other omnivorous small pets. There also may occasionally be recipes for human cakes etc that I have baked :)

My little Gremlin

So, that's basically all my blog will be about, I hope you enjoy!

Love Holly, Mischief, Trouble and Gremlin xxx

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